Showing posts with the label BlogShow All
Outliers: The story of Success

Malcolm Timothy Gladwell (born 3 September 1963) is an English-born Canadian columnist, creator, and public speaker. He has been a staff author for The New Yorker since 1996. He has published seven books. Gladwell’s compositions …

Why Pakistan Can Become The No 1 Tourism Destination in The World

Nangha Parbat – Photo: Wild Frontiers The tourism of Pakistan has really flourished in the past few years. Different tourists from all over the world come to see the different landscapes and infrastructure of this countr…

Edhi Baba: The Hero

Every country has their own heroes. For some, it is in the shape of a Spiderman while others drool over Batman. These heroes with their superpower go beyond their limit to save humanity from all kinds of villainish atrociti…

Your Words Have Impact, So Think Before You Speak

L anguage is an integral asset for coordinating and showing vitality into structure. We can completely change ourselves in a matter of minutes by changing our thoughts and the words we express. Our words are incredible, so amazin…

Depression: how to effectively treat it without medication

Shutterstock Photo Depression is an enemy that kills you from the inside; you feel dead, nothing interests you, and you just want to stay alone away from all your friends and family. All in all, this ruthless enemy isolates y…

Television: Best Friend or Worst Enemy of Your Kids?

Most of the people including kids love to watch television. Even if they are asked to quit watching it, they will still watch it.  Some parents think of it as a useful device for their kids. In fact, they use it as an alter…

Technology and Loneliness

Man is a social animal and loneliness can drive him crazy. To solve this problem, many new inventions have been made and one of them is mobile phone. Everyone has this electronic gadget with so many social networking applic…

The Half Mother: A Review

Agony has a universal language. We as humans are implicated in each other’s sufferings. ‘The Half Mother”, Shahnaz Bashir’s debut novel is one of the few novels written by a Kashmiri himself that has successfully taken up the…

Daughter Remains A Daughter Her Whole Life

Daughters are a blessing from God. This is why Islam has given much importance to daughters. However, in our society, every class of people seem to have a desire for a male child. People want their first born to be a son.…

Pakistani Youth Parliamentarians’ Study Visit to UK and Denmark

Group Photo of Pakistani Youth Parliamentarians Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT) organized a study visit to UK and Denmark that aimed to learn about the …

Donald Trump’s Pledge of Banning Muslims

Recently, Donald Trump was elected as a President of United States. Mr. Trump has pledged during his campaign that he would restrict the entry of Muslim immigrants to the US. This is for sure a step towards racism and goes …

Social Media Likes – Are they Beneficial?

There are different types of posts on social media including videos, pictures and text in the form of memes, critiques, events, offers, quotes, updates etc. According to current affairs or current moods, people share or ta…

A Dream That Died During the APS Attack

File Photo: Blood Stained Walls of a Classroom After the Attack on Army Public School Peshawar. Alarm rang at 6:00 am; it was his 13th birthday, excited as never before, he woke up early today than usual. Resisting the co…

Hold Her Hand and Protect your Woman

Every woman has a past. Some are physically abused. Some have violent parents and a broken family. Some have had pubertal issues. Some have endured sexual abuse as a child from their own family members. Some have messed up l…

Standing Up To Sexual Harassment

Man touching shoulder of uncomfortable woman co-worker Sexual harassment is a grave crime that leaves the victims in mental agony and distress for life. No one should tolerate sexual harassment. Everyone has the right t…

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