Writte For Us

Are you good writer or scholar and want to publish your thoughts n articles?

then you've come to right place. Your thoughts can be in any language, in any form Freelance or any other form). But before posting kindly consider some basic rules below.

 must be on easy words .
Must contain your full name at the end.
Any brief details / bio about you shall be appreciated to write below your post. (optional)
Articles written in English  2000 shall be our priority.
By submitting, You understand and agree that I reserve the right to approve or reject your Articles.
Last but not least, the most asked question's answer, We do not charge anything to publish your Articles.

Thats All !! So Please send us your thoughts having "my thoughts" as subject.

If you have any query regarding anything, mail me having "about thoughts" as subject.

Any other email, which do not comply to this, shall not considered at all.

Thank you,
Kahkashan Khan

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