Showing posts with the label OpinionShow All
This PAF pilot shot down Indian Mig 2000

PAF Pilot, pictured in the middle, shot down IAF jet. This Pakistan Air Force pilot shot down Indian Air Force jet which resulted in the capture of two pilots, which is termed by military observers as the most humilia…

Why Pakistan Can Become The No 1 Tourism Destination in The World

Nangha Parbat – Photo: Wild Frontiers The tourism of Pakistan has really flourished in the past few years. Different tourists from all over the world come to see the different landscapes and infrastructure of this countr…

Kashmir: South Asia’s Chessboard

HEALTH SPORTS INDO-PAKISTAN, OPINION, WORLD Kashmir: South Asia’s Chessboard August 31, 2019 12:14 am by Sana Batool In October 1943, at a conference in Moscow United States of America, United Kingdom, Soviet Union an…

Stephen Paddock, a ‘lone wolf’ white terrorist

The killing of 59 innocent people in Las Vegas by Stephen Paddock, a white male, has reignited the issue of who gets to be called a terrorist. Again, reading the headlines of most of the western media houses gives us the imp…

Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System in Pakistan

J uvenile delinquency is a problem currently affecting the population and societies round the globe. Understanding the juvenile delinquency is important for the masses in order to know what really it is and how to react to …

Pakistan Engineering Council in Shambles

A visit to the PEC’s regional office in Peshawar presents a picture of an organization that is in complete disarray. Dozens of people surround an officer inquiring him about the status of their license. On the right side of…

Appointment of female Qazi in India and how it hurts patriarchal ego

(Photo by Yawar Nazir/Getty Images) Qazi, also known as a judge or magistrate, is an important role in Islam. They are appointed to judge all disputes on the basis of justice in a timely manner without prejudice, to maintain …

Reason why Nawaz Sharif believes Panama Case is international conspiracy

The Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Nawaz Sharif and his family has been struggling to come up with answers against the findings of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT). The most unbelievable task that the JIT has achieved…

FM stations as terrorists propaganda tools: UK’s tough stance an example to follow

Ofcom, a media regulator in the UK, closed down Iman FM radio station for airing 25 hours of lectures by an alleged former Al-Qaida leader, during the month of Ramadan. The radio station, admitted the breach had taken pl…

Food insecurity is a bigger problem than it looks

Picture: REUTERS/Faisal Mahmood Hunger and food security are the world’s number one health risks. Increased food prices was one of the reasons that triggered Arab spring. Unless we figure out new strategies to improve global …

CPEC and Sino-Pak Military Cooperation

Chinese and Pakistani border guards at Khunjerab Pass. (Image: Wikipedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0) The 46 billion Dollars Mega Project CPEC is a flagship project of Chinese broader vision of One Belt, One Road (OBOR). It has b…

Mashal Khan Incident: What We Learned At What Cost!

File photo of Mashal Khan. There is a Pashto proverb “che rakhtia razi darogho ba kalay wran karay ye” which means, by the time truth is known, lies will have destroyed the village. Lies killed Mashal Khan  before anyone …

Why did Supreme Court treat Gillani and Nawaz Sharif differently?

File photo of former prime minister Yousaf Raza Gillani (right) and current prime minister Nawaz Sharif. It’s a tale of two legal cases, two Prime Ministers and two different crimes. One was a case of contempt of court wh…

A Dream That Died During the APS Attack

File Photo: Blood Stained Walls of a Classroom After the Attack on Army Public School Peshawar. Alarm rang at 6:00 am; it was his 13th birthday, excited as never before, he woke up early today than usual. Resisting the co…

AfPak: Integrated – Transit Trade Management System

Regional integration and intra-regional trade have played an important role in the economic prosperity of many countries, the Association of Southern Asian Nations (ASEAN) being one such example. The first attempt to regulat…

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