Daughter Remains A Daughter Her Whole Life

Daughters are a blessing from God. This is why Islam has given much importance to daughters. However, in our society, every class of people seem to have a desire for a male child. People want their first born to be a son. They think if a girl was born, it would be a burden for them.
They would have to marry her off and spend lots of money on her. She would use surname of her husband after marriage and if there was no male child then their family name will come to an end. Not only is a son considered an heir to the family name, he is considered an earning hand who will support the family in future.
On the other hand, families who own some property, fear their daughter will cause divide of their family riches and take her share to some other family. A son is their safe bet because the property stays within the family. 
However, no matter what their rationale is, the reality is that daughters are more loving, caring and obedient to their parents than a son. At the age when parents require care and affection, daughters take good care of their parents. They never prove to be a burden.
Sons, however,  usually kick their parents out and send them to some old-age homes. A son is a son till he gets his wife, but a daughter is a daughter for her whole life. 
It’s about time we change our faulty concept of giving dominant role to a male by default. Both the male and female children are a blessing of God and we should feel just that, blessed. Today, a daughter has proved that she is not less than a male in any field of life, she can earn money and support her family and do better than male.

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