Personality is the most important thing in a person's life and every one of us want to seek attention and become a focal point to become famous, well honoured and respected. If someone wants to be a boxer, then he looks at the legendary American boxer, Muhammad Ali. And if some of us want to become rich athletes then he thinks to be a footballer like Christiano Ronaldo. No one can copy the lifestyle of another, nor he can have the same personality. Each human being is unique in the way that he has his unique voice, face, characteristic sets of behaviours, cognitions, and emotional patterns in different environments. It’s impossible to be 100% perfect, however, we can try our level best to improve ourselves in our daily lives. Several things play a vital role in the personality development of a person. The person must have below mentioned qualities to get success in his education, family, job and company. Check your lifestyle for any of these enemies and deal with it before it deals with you.
Fear: Prevents you from seizing opportunities. Try to collaborate and connect with friends and family members to reduce your hesitation. Discuss the heating political topics with your friends and economists, respond to them and try to defend your arguments. Seek the support of your teachers to help you to get out of the fear to present yourself. Wherever you go, must re-present yourself in a better way, never be shy and nervous. Interact with the near belongings in the wedding ceremonies and public events to get insights into the people's opinion. Don’t overthink doing a specific task, just go ahead and take it as an opportunity.
Ignorance: Prevents you from making good decisions. Effective communication and interaction are the crucial factors if someone wants to succeed in his life. Decision making is the most challenging task, and we suggest you at least discuss your thoughts, ideas and change before putting them on the impact. It might be possible that someone to whom you have discussed the decision would supply more information and insights to make you correct on the path. The one who doesn’t discuss has to suffer a lot.
Anger: Prevents you from seeing clearly. Don’t panic about silly things and be cool to let the things settle down in their right places. Things take time to get fit into the right positions as a new invention took the efforts of several researchers to make it portable and improved. Not everything may be set up according to our requirements. Just waiting, shouting at someone or somebody would not resolve the issue except heartbreaking and loss of respect for someone. If somethings get wrong, then be polite to deal with it accordingly and try to get the opportunity to fill that gap and make it never happen again.
Envy: Prevents you from focusing on yourself. The word jealousy is also used interchangeably. Never compare yourself with anyone else. Commonly, competition is seen among people of the same ages, levels and positions. Of course, everyone is racing in this world in his field or profession to make someone down but thinking bad for someone and creating barriers is awful and disrespectful. There is a right path, your position is the most important role that no one can play, nor someone can get fit into your responsibilities. Just believe in yourself and do your best. Judge yourself and you will lead.
Ego: Prevents you from learning from others. Always look for an opportunity in others and work with them if they offer and ask to help them in their work. Don’t be shy if you don’t have those skills. And even you have those skills, and you think that you can do better than them than take part in the work and let the world see your artistic work and talent within you.
Doubt: Prevents you from believing in yourself and taking risks to follow your dreams. Being in doubt is natural but the risk is in everything. Being always in doubt would prevent you to do a new thing. Seek the help of the experts and assistants who have rich insight on the thing which want and take some time on its research/findings to clear all the doubts and misconceptions. As Edison tried 999 times to get results and he failed but he didn’t stop there and took the 1000th step which proved him to be the most prominent scientist through his invention of Bulb.
Hate: Prevents you from becoming a better person. Every religion of the world gives the message of love and honesty. The united nation is itself an organization that eradicate the wars and crimes among and within the nations around the globe because hate is the main reason behind every conflict. There is nothing achieved after being in hate as same as nothing is achieved after a war except the loss of humanity and economy. The war examples like Hiroshima and Naga Saki, the Cold War, Israeli war crimes against innocent Palestinians and now the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is better to search for the weaknesses within ourselves and work on them to get liked by the community.
Unforgiveness: Prevents you from living a free person. Try to express love, harmony and feelings of peace with everyone. Extend your arms for those who need love and are alone after losing their loved ones. Forgiving someone is the quality of a mature person who understands and believes in recovering. The one who forgives is considered a hearty and strong person. May Allah forgive us and provide us with the characteristic quality of forgiving others for their mistakes. Ameen.
Lying: Prevents people from trusting you. Telling the truth is the most challenging, the one who speaks truth is as brave as a lion. From childhood, we are told to tell the truth and unfortunately, we don’t follow the universal law. Parents often beat and try to be strict in this matter but are failed to convey to children to be wise. Speaking truth is the characteristic of a wise and honest man, the one who speaks the truth, he is respected and appreciated. Lying with someone would work for an instant but it is not reliable because, after some time, the lie gets unfolded and develops further complexities, conspiracies and doubts.
Pride: Prevents you from seeing and learning from your mistakes. It’s okay if you are good at something but feeling and expressing your pride is not the way to treat yourself. Of course, your achievement meant a lot but it doesn’t mean that you are the best for al the time. It is better to master the skill and look for the learning segments that may further enhance your profession.
In the end, I want to say that you may consider the above factors as "The 10 Enemies of Life" and one who would control those would definitely get the better response. I hope for the best. InshaAllah you would find the better you after adopting the mentioned solutions.