Recently, various media networks reported that soon after Trump’s inauguration, his administration took down pages related to Civil Rights, LGBT, Abortion, Climate Change and Spanish language content from the White House website. The news sent shockwaves among many who were already wary of President Trump’s various controversial pledges during his campaign.
However, contrary to the misleading reports, in fact every new administration is handed over a fresh version of White House website where they showcases their own policies. The old website is wiped clean with every new presidency.
The content of the old website are archived. For example all Obama-era material of the White House website have been archived and are available at Obama
Similarly, the official twitter handle of the United State President @POTUS was also wiped clean and handed over to the new incoming president. At the time of this writing, there were only 19 tweets from President Trump.
All tweets of Barack Obama were archived at @POTUS44. The same was done to the twitter handle of the former first lady Michele Obama.