You can often hear that certain foods have magically healing properties. But that’s not always true. According to scientists, there are some foods that don’t really have all the benefits ascribed to them.
In the list of foods that have been overblown by numerous Internet articles are: orange juice, tomatoes, green coffee, oysters and pineapples.
Benefits of Some Foods is Overestimated – Scientists
Orange juice is not as healthy as many would believe due to its content of sugars, which is absorbed by the body almost immediately. Sugar raises glucose levels in the blood, promoting an uncontrollable spike in insulin, which in turn exhausts the pancreas and increases the risk of developing diabetes.
Tomatoes have also disappointed scientists because not all tomatoes contain the so-healthy element lycopene, which effectively fights cancer and helps maintain the youth. However, it has been found that chemicals used in tomatoes production decrease the levels of this healthy element by about 3 times.
Green coffee, which have been advertised as a weight loss product for a few years now, is also useless. Green coffee, according to scientists, may have a laxative effect, but in terms of promoting weight loss – it’s useless.
Oysters are believed to be effective in raising men’s libido. But turns out that it’s not exactly true. Such an effect is present in oysters when raw and fresh and in case they have accumulated enough zinc and glycogen in the water.
Pineapples, although they contain tons of vitamins and nutrients, break down not fats, as many would think, but proteins, which means it’s a useless fruit for those who are trying to lose weight. Besides, pineapples have a high glycemic index and a potent ability to boost the appetite.