Bananas are one of the most popular fruits on the planet. Their advantages are obvious: bananas are available all year round, you can cook various dishes made of bananas and, most importantly, bananas are de-li-ci-ous!
Besides, our bodies need bananas. Don’t believe us? Well, here are 7 healthy benefits of bananas.
Bananas improve the function of the cardio-vascular system
Bananas contain a large amount of micro and macro elements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, copper, all of which have a positive impact on the heart and blood vessels, improving their function.
Bananas are the best snack
This fruit is considered to be the perfect snack, as it contains such vitamins as B1, B2, B3, B9, A, PP, C and E. Such a combination of nutrients gives a potent energetic boost to the body, making it function properly and more productively.
You need bananas for mental and physical activities
Bananas can quickly raise the sugar levels in the blood, which promotes various activities in the body. This fruit is ideal to be eaten after a workout session, and bananas, added to smoothies or cereals, are great for breakfast.
Bananas boost mood
It was scientifically proven that bananas are effective and natural antidepressants, which positively affect the nervous system, help deal with stress and improve the sleep quality.
Bananas improve the state of your skin
Bananas are great for the whole body, but they have a particularly good effect on the skin. Bananas are recommended to not only be eaten, but also used externally in the form of masks for the skin and hair. Bananas are capable of smoothing out small wrinkles and relieving any inflammation on the skin.
Bananas have healing properties
Nutrition experts recommend including bananas into the everyday diet for those who suffer from disorders of the kidneys and liver, atherosclerosis, as well as those who have hypertonia, heartburn and constipation.
Bananas increase libido
Vitamins and microelements in bananas make this fruit a natural aphrodisiac.